Monday, September 17, 2012

Material Research Part 2 + Idea/ Form Refinement

A selection of different types of ropes that would beuseful for a 
comfortable weaved seat.
                               1. (TopLeft) A harder twisted straw rope.
                               2. (TopRight) An elastic rope surrounded in woven nylon.
                               3. (BottomRight) similar to 1 but softer straw.
                               4. (BottomLeft) A softer cotton woven rope less durable 
                                   than straw, with a smaller diameter but stronger the elastic rope.
Another possible solution could be a wicker seat, a material 
both durable and light in weight and is also very good for 
outdoor scenarios.

A weight calculator for steel round bar from 
It shows that the weight for 5 meters of 8mm dia. steel round bar 
fall just below the 2kg limit. 6mm dia. is evidently much lighter at
1.12kg for 5 meters, although may prove to be too week to hold
the weight of a person. 
A steel supplier local to my residential area that has a wide range of
steel rod, including diameter sizes 6.3mm and 8mm

Exploring and revising how my main stool concept will be constructed; 
because of the complicated overlapping design of the bar structure
i found splitting the form into 2 individually bent pieces which can then
be slotted and welded together.

This is the resulting design made from coat hanger wire with thin 
lock-wireholding the joints together.

With the added strength of cotton lace woven seat, the 8cm tall ,
1:5 scale, model easily took the weight of my computer.
A cardboard mockup of the potential surface area of triangular 
stool concept 9shown in relation to the seat of an average 
chair); A equilateral triangle with 450mm sides, given that 
the stool would about 400mm tall. This seems slightly too large, 
and therefore i will reduce the size by 12.5% making it a 
400mm side triangle; a more manageable and ergonomic size. 

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