Saturday, October 13, 2012

Material Testing/ Prototyping

Bend Calculations including lengths, angles and order.

Material Testing on 10mm Dia. steel round bar.

Initial Bending.
Almost finished.

 Final Form. When the two bend pieces were held 
together with masking tape and the welding joints the 
structure was very strong. When i sat on it with a piece 
of ply wood for support. It easily held my weight with
 a medium amount of flex.

 Once it was all welded up the form was incredibly 
strong, with little flex with dynamic weight and no flex
when static. 

 For the seating options i would like to weaved rope. 
The main factors for choosing which rope to use is
          • Material life-time/ wear and tear
          • Aesthetics
          • Sustainability and environmental impact
These are a few options: